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What is Software Composition Analysis (SCA)?

Read Time: 5 min.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is a process that enables organizations to identify, manage, and
secure the open-source software (OSS) components used in their applications.

What is Software Composition Analysis (SCA)?
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OSS has become increasingly prevalent in modern software development, making it essential for organizations to have a process in place to manage the associated risks.

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SCA helps organizations to proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and licensing risks associated with OSS components.

SCA tools can be used to scan source code, binary files, and dependencies to identify the OSS components being used. The SCA tool then compares this information against a database of known OSS components and vulnerabilities to identify any potential risks. Once risks have been identified, organizations can prioritize and remediate them to ensure that their software is secure and compliant.

Benefits of SCA

  • Improved security: SCA can help to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in OSS components, reducing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.
  • Reduced compliance risks: SCA can help organizations to ensure that their use of OSS is compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Improved license management: SCA can help organizations to identify and manage license requirements for OSS components, reducing the risk of licensing violations.
  • Reduced development time and costs: SCA can help to reduce development time and costs by identifying and addressing potential problems early in the development lifecycle.
  • Improved code quality: SCA can help to improve the quality of code by identifying and addressing potential issues, such as coding practices and potential security vulnerabilities.

SCA tools

There are a number of different SCA tools available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some popular SCA tools include:

  • ImmuniWeb Discovery
  • Snyk
  • WhiteSource Renovate
  • OWASP dependency-check
  • Synopsys Black Duck
  • HCL Codesight

SCA process

The SCA process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify OSS components: The first step is to identify the OSS components that are used in the application. This can be done manually or using an SCA tool.
  2. Scan for vulnerabilities: Once the OSS components have been identified, they should be scanned for vulnerabilities. This can be done using an SCA tool.
  3. Prioritize risks: The vulnerabilities that have been identified should be prioritized based on their severity and likelihood of being exploited.
  4. Remediate risks: The prioritized vulnerabilities should be remediated as quickly as possible. This may involve patching the software, updating the OSS components, or removing the affected components.
  5. Monitor changes: The SCA process should be an ongoing process, with new OSS components being identified and scanned regularly.

SCA challenges

There are a number of challenges associated with SCA, including:

  • Identifying all OSS components: It can be difficult to identify all of the OSS components that are used in an application, especially if the application is complex or was developed over a long period of time.
  • Keeping up with changes: The open source ecosystem is constantly changing, with new OSS components being released and vulnerabilities being discovered all the time. This can make it difficult to keep up with the latest information and ensure that the SCA tool is up to date.
  • Remediating vulnerabilities: Remediating vulnerabilities can be a complex and time-consuming process. Organizations may need to coordinate with vendors, developers, and other stakeholders to identify and implement solutions.


Software Composition Analysis is an essential tool for organizations that use OSS. By implementing an SCA process, organizations can improve their security, compliance, and license management practices. This can help to protect their organizations from data breaches, legal liability, and other risks associated with OSS.

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